Birds: Top 5 Photos of the Week (latest)

July 7, 2021

Birds are vertebrate animals adapted for flight. Many can also run, jump, swim, and dive. Some, like penguins, have lost the ability to fly but retained their wings. Birds are found worldwide and in all habitats.

In this article let’s first talk about How do you start bird photography? and then will share with you some amazing birds photos that we have featured from our Facebook group.

How do you start bird photography?

Bird photography, especially wild bird photography can be quite challenging. There are many articles on the Internet that cover everything from “bird photography tips” to “the art of bird photography”, But these are the tips that I often follow while photographing birds.

  1. Understand your subject: I have put this as the first above all else. This is because, when it comes to bird photography, if we do not understand our subject’s temperament we will end up with no subject at all.
  2. Don’t ignore common subjects
  3. Get close to your subject.
  4. Approach your subject with patience.
  5. Get to eye level.
  6. and the last thing wait for the action.

Bonus tip: Break the stereotypes and photograph whatever frame you want.

If you want to read a deep step by step guide click here

Weekly Feature (14 June – 20 June 2021): Birds:

Click by Thamizhselvan Muthulingam
Thamizhselvan Muthulingam

The black drongo!

The black drongo is a small Asian passerine bird of the drongo family Dicruridae. It is a common resident breeder in much of tropical southern Asia from southwest Iran through India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka east to southern China and Indonesia and accidental visitors of Japan. This beautiful birds photo has photographed in Panampattu Lake, Villupuram.

Click by Subhendu Ghosh
Subhendu Ghosh
Indian Spotted owlet!

The spotted owlet is a small owl that breeds in tropical Asia from mainland India to Southeast Asia. A common resident of open habitats including farmland and human habitation, it has adapted to living in cities. They roost in small groups in the hollows of trees or in cavities in rocks or buildings. This birds photo has photographed in

Pandua outskirts, India.
Click by Gerardo Colaleo
Gerardo Colaleo

Pigeon take off!

This photo has photographed in Oena capensis – Israel.

Click by Ashish Sikka
Ashish Sikka

Eurasian Common Kestrel!

The common kestrel is a bird of prey species belonging to the kestrel group of the falcon family Falconidae. It is also known as the European kestrel, Eurasian kestrel, or Old World Kestrel. In Britain, where no other kestrel species commonly occurs, it is generally just called “kestrel”. This birds photo has photographed in Osman Sagar Lake, Telangana.

Click by Aps Kumar
Aps Kumar


The stork-billed kingfisher is a tree kingfisher that is widely but sparsely distributed in the tropical Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, from India to Indonesia. This kingfisher is resident throughout its range. It is a very large kingfisher, measuring 35 cm in length. This beautiful photo has photographed in Singapore.

So thank you to all the photographers who have submitted photos in the Birds theme with the #pwc_birds hashtag. Your pictures can create awareness about the variety and beauty of wildlife in our environment. So feel free to share it on your social media.

We have featured these photos from our Facebook Group. Next week, you can be the one here, for that, Please join the group and follow the Weekly Challenge Rule.
