Wild Feed: Top 05 Photos of the Week
Understanding what birds eat and the overall diet they prefer can be fascinating! It is also essential to know what to feed birds to attract them to your backyard or where to look for foraging birds in the field. So in this post let’s see the Top 5 photos of the week of Wild feed.
Weekly Feature (17-May 23-May 2021): Wild Feed

Parenthood : Daddy on duty.
The ashy-crowned sparrow-lark is a small sparrow-sized member of the lark family. It is found in the plains in open land with bare ground, grass and scrub across South Asia. The males are well marked with a contrasting black-and-white face pattern, while females are sandy brown, looking similar to a female sparrow. This wild feed theme photo has photographed in Outskirts Rajkot, India.

The Shikra is a widespread resident breeder throughout south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Shikra is a bird of open woodland including savannah and cultivation.
This wild feed theme has photographed in Mumbai.

Spotted Owlet with the catch!
The spotted owlet is a small owl that breeds in tropical Asia from mainland India to Southeast Asia. A common resident of open habitats including farmland and human habitation, it has adapted to living in cities. They roost in small groups in the hollows of trees or in cavities in rocks or buildings. This wild feed theme photo has photographed in Jagadispur Outskirt, Howrah, India.

Common Kingfisher with fish!
The blue and green colors that Common kingfishers are famous for are due to iridescence, not pigment, so in a different light and from different angles they will appear to have a different color.
This photo has photographed in Tamilnadu, India.
So thank you to all the photographers who have submitted photos in the Wild Feed theme with the #pwc_feed hashtag. Your pictures can create awareness about the variety and beauty of wildlife in our environment. So we have featured these photos from our Facebook Group. Next week, you can be the one here, for that, Please join the group and follow the Weekly Challenge Rule.