Common Birds: Top 5 Photos of the Week
There are birds around us everywhere, some living in parks and gardens near our homes, and some even sharing space with us in the heart of the city. It just takes a little curiosity to identify and know a little more about these direct decedents of the dinosaurs and develop a green hobby that can give you a lifetime of pleasure for free!
Now let’s see in this article, some amazing “Common Birds” photos that we have featured from our Facebook group.
Weekly Feature (26 July – 01 Aug 2021): Common Birds:

Long-eared owl!
The long-eared owl, also known as the northern long-eared owl or, more informally, the lesser horned owl or cat owl, is a medium-sized species of owl with an extensive breeding range.
This photo has photographed in Ireland.

Barn swallow
A fairly large, colorful swallow. Usually easy to identify with its long, forked tail and dark rump. Iridescent navy blue above with a rich orange throat and forehead. Underparts vary across range, from bright buffy-orange to whitish. Occurs in any open habitat, especially large fields and wetlands. Often seen foraging in flocks, sometimes mixed with other species of swallow. Typically nests close to human habitation; build a muddy cup nest in a barn or under a dock. Listen for dry, scratchy “svit svit” calls. Note head and breast pattern and tail length to help separate from various similar species in Asia and Australia (e.g., Welcome Swallow, Hill Swallow, Pacific Swallow).
This common birds photo has photographed in Mangalajodi wetland, Odisha, India.

A small heron that is common in most aquatic habitats across the Indian subcontinent.
So thank you to all the photographers who have submitted photos in the Common Birds theme with the #pwc_common hashtag. Your pictures can create awareness about the variety and beauty of wildlife in our environment. So feel free to share it on your social media.
We have featured these photos from our Facebook Group. Next week, you can be the one here, for that, Please join the group and follow the Weekly Challenge Rule.
Lovely photos and great article
Fabulous photos