Water Bird: Top 5 Photos of the Week
A water bird, alternatively waterbird or aquatic bird, is a bird that lives on or around water. In some definitions, the term water bird is especially applied to birds in freshwater ecosystems, although others make no distinction from seabirds that inhabit marine environments.
Now let’s see in this article, some amazing “water bird” photos that we have featured from our Facebook group.
Weekly Feature (27 Sept – 03 Oct 2021): Water Bird

Gangly wader with a long bicolored bill. Breeding plumage is dark brick-red below (male) or pale orangey (female); nonbreeding plumage is overall gray-brown with white belly; compare to Black-tailed Godwit. In flight shows rather plain upperwings with only a faint whitish wing stripe; white rump and finely barred tail. Mainly coastal away from tundra breeding grounds. Often in flocks feeding on mudflats and in brackish coastal lagoons, roosting in adjacent freshwater habitats. Feeds by probing its long bill into the mud.
But this photo has been photographed somewhere in the world.

This water bird photo has photographed in Bhigwan, Maharashtra, India.

So the bar-tailed godwit is a large wader in the family Scolopacidae, which feeds on bristle-worms and shellfish on coastal mudflats and estuaries. It has distinctive red breeding plumage, long legs, and a long upturned bill.
This photo has photographed in Thailand.

So Kentish plover is a small cosmopolitan shorebird of the family Charadriidae that breeds on the shores of saline lakes, lagoons, and coasts, populating sand dunes, marshes, semi-arid desert, and tundra.
This water bird photo has photographed in Kumta, Karnataka, India.

This photo has photographed in Tumkur KARNATAKA WESTERN GHATS.
So thank you to all the photographers who have submitted photos in the Water Bird theme with the #pwc_waterbird hashtag. Your pictures can create awareness about the variety and beauty of wildlife in our environment. So feel free to share it on your social media.
We have featured these photos from our Facebook Group. Next week, you can be the one here, for that, Please join the group and follow the Weekly Challenge Rule.