As a wildlife photographer, you will be well aware of the fact that most animals we wish to take photos of come out at dawn or dusk. This is also the time of day that the least light is available; photographing wildlife in low light is no easy task. So in this article let’s first talk …

WTF! – Wild Tripod Feature
Wild green is one of the most common colors found in nature, usually in plants or grasses. However, if you look a little bit harder when you’re outside, you’ll find this bright, cheerful color all over the place. Now let’s see in this article, some amazing “wild green” photos that we have featured from our …
Bird watching in India is one of the most pleasurable experiences, Apart from the bird parks and sanctuaries one can also spot a variety of local birds around the city and villages. Some common birds around the house are Indian sparrow, Rock Pigeon, Common white Crane, and Indian Myna. Now let’s see in this article, some amazing …
It can be incredibly rewarding to photograph birds in action. Equally, however, there can be nothing more frustrating than the very same thing. Now let’s see in this article, some amazing “Bird in Action” photos that we have featured from our Facebook group. Weekly Feature (16 Aug – 22 Aug 2021): Bird in Action: Large, …
Birding, is the observing of birds, either as a recreational activity or as a form of citizen science. A birdwatcher may observe by using their naked eye, by using a visual enhancement device like binoculars or a telescope, by listening for bird sounds, or by watching public webcams. Now let’s see in this article, some …
While many people think the most beautiful animal species are those with the most color—such as birds with bright plumage, striped tigers, and vibrant, spotted butterflies, But wild black animals can be just as visually spectacular. In this article, we’ll show you some amazing “wild black” photos that we have featured from our Facebook group. …
There are birds around us everywhere, some living in parks and gardens near our homes, and some even sharing space with us in the heart of the city. It just takes a little curiosity to identify and know a little more about these direct decedents of the dinosaurs and develop a green hobby that can …
Bird Habitat is the area with ecological and environmental characteristics where a species has adapted to find essential elements such as food, water, shelter, and mates for reproduction. Now let’s see in this article, some amazing “Bird Habitat” photos that we have featured from our Facebook group. Weekly Feature (19 July – 25 July 2021): Bird …
While bird portrait are easier then birds-in-flight images, there are ways to make the portraits better. The goal with any bird portrait should be to create an image that shows the bird off in all its glory, beauty, and splendor. So let’s see in this article, some amazing “Bird portrait” photos that we have featured …
Land birds (tree-dwelling birds, perching birds or songbirds, raptors, and ground-feeding birds) includes many species that spend the majority of their lives in terrestrial environments. In this article, we will share with you some amazing “land birds” photos that we have featured from our Facebook group. Weekly Feature (05 July – 11 July 2021): Land …