WEEKLY FEATURE (22-March 28-March 2021): Wild Portrait
Photographing portraits of wild animals call wild portrait photography. This is one of the most exiting and yet challenging areas of wildlife photography. Because you are dealing with animals that don’t take model direction. Not only do you need to have superb technical skills, but also know how to expose, frame, and compose well.
In this post firstly lets talk about what is wildlife photography. and then we’ll share with you some amazing wild portrait photos which we have featured from our Facebook group.
What is Wildlife Photography?
Wildlife photography is a genre of photography concerned with documenting various forms of wildlife in their natural habitat. As well as requiring photography skills, wildlife photographers may need field craft skills.
Lets have a look at featured photos.
Weekly Feature of wild portrait:

The Indian lion is another name for the Asiaticlion, Panthera leo persica, the sub-species that once ranged from Greece to centralIndia. This animal has played a major part in the symbols and folklore of Indian culture for over 2000 years. photographed in Ambaradi Safari Park, Dhari

Indian grey mongoose close-up portrait.
A mongoose is a long, furry animal with a pointy face and bushy tail. They are not rodents, despite popular belief. They belong to the Herpestidae family, which includes meerkats and civets. The Indian gray mongoose can survive a cobra attack, which few animals can, making it one of this deadly snake’s predators. Mongooses are often kept as pets in order to rid houses of rats and other pests. photographed in Jamnagar, Gujarat
Thank you to all the photographers who have submitted photos in Wild Portrait theme with the #pwc_lb hashtag. Your pictures can create awareness about the variety and beauty of wildlife in our environment. We have featured these photos from our Facebook Group. Next week, you can be the one here, for that, Please join the group and follow the Weekly Challenge Rule.