Land Bird: Top 5 photos of the week
Thank you to all the photographers who have submitted photos in the Land Bird theme with the #pwc_landbird hashtag. Your pictures can create awareness about the variety and beauty of wildlife in our environment. So feel free to share it on your social media.
Now let’s see in this article, some amazing “Land Bird” photos that we have featured from our Facebook group.
WEEKLY FEATURE (21 March 2021 – 28 March 2022): Land Bird

Vibrantly bright green parakeet, frequently found in woodland, parks, gardens, where feeds mainly in trees. Nests in cavities, including holes in buildings. Easily overlooked if quiet, as the bright green plumage blends easily with foliage. Note the very long slender tail, bright red bill; male has narrow black-and-rose neck ring. Closely resembles larger Alexandrine Parakeet, which has a wine-red patch on each shoulder. Like other parakeets, raucous and social, often appearing in noisy groups. Native to Africa and South Asia, introduced locally in Europe and Japan.
But this Land Bird photo has been photographed in Kerala, India.

A Green Bee-eater doing what it is best at – catching bee mid-air. Once caught, this bird smashes the catch on the perch to break the exoskeleton and gulps down the bee in one go.
This land bird photo has photographed in Chandu Budhera, Haryana.

The grey francolin also known as “manu moa” or “Chicken Bird” is a species of francolin found in the plains and drier parts of the Indian subcontinent and Iran.
This photo has photographed in Gujarat.

The white-throated kingfisher also known as the white-breasted kingfisher is a tree kingfisher, widely distributed in Asia from the Sinai east through the Indian subcontinent to China and Indonesia.
But this land bird photo has photographed in Kolkata, India.

The chestnut-bellied sandgrouse or common sandgrouse is a species of sandgrouse. It is a sedentary and nomadic species that ranges from northern and central Africa and further east towards western and southern Asia.
But this photo has been photographed in Rajkot, India.
We have featured these photos from our Facebook Group. Next week, you can be the one here, for that, Please join the group and follow the Weekly Challenge Rule.
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Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.