Urban Wildlife: Top 05 Photos of the Week
Urban wildlife is wildlife that can live or thrive in urban/suburban environments or around densely populated human settlements such as townships. Some such as house mice are synanthropic, ecologically associated with, and even evolved to become entirely dependent on humans. So In this post, let’s see Top 5 photos of the week of theme Urban wildlife.
Weekly Feature (26-APRIL 02-May 2021): Urban Wildlife

Oriental Pratincole!
Oriental Pratincole is a truly remarkable migrant that breeds in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia and migrates all the way to Australia for the winter. This photo has photographed in Thailand.

Stork-billed kingfisher!
So the Stork-billed kingfisher is a tree kingfisher. These are widely but sparsely distributed in the tropical Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, from India to Indonesia. This kingfisher is resident throughout its range. It is a very large kingfisher, measuring 35 cm in length. This urban wildlife photo has photographed in Rahara, WB, India.

Eurasian Hoopoe!
The Eurasian hoopoe is the most widespread species of the genus Upupa, native to Europe, Asia, and the northern half of Africa. Some taxonomists still consider all three species conspecific. But some authorities also keep the African and Eurasian hoopoe together but split the Madagascar hoopoe. This beautiful photo has photographed in Rajkot, Gujarat.

Don’t move, stay where you are.
This beautiful urban wildlife has photographed in india.

Barn Owl!
The barn owl is the most widely distributed species of owl in the world and one of the most widespread of all species of birds, being found almost everywhere in the world except for the polar and desert regions, Asia north of the Himalayas, most of Indonesia, and some Pacific Islands. This photo has photographed in West Bengal.
So thank you to all the photographers who have submitted photos in the Urban Wildlife theme with the #pwc_uw hashtag. Your pictures can create awareness about the variety and beauty of wildlife in our environment. So we have featured these photos from our Facebook Group. Next week, you can be the one here, for that, Please join the group and follow the Weekly Challenge Rule.